State Symbols of the Republic of Belarus
- As a sovereign state, the Republic of Belarus has its own state symbols: the National Flag, the National Coat of Arms and the National Anthem.
- Since 1917, the National Flag and the National Coat of Arms have changed several in Belarus. However, all of them had a similar basis, thus the historical continuity of these symbols have been preserved.
National Flag of the Republic of Belarus

- The National Flag of the Republic of Belarus, which is the symbol of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, is a rectangular cloth consisting of two horizontal stripes: a red upper stripe and a green lower stripe, which are two-thirds and one-third of the flag’s width respectively.
- A vertical red-on-white Belarusian national pattern as large as one ninth of the flag length is located near the flagpole. The flag's width-to-length ratio is 1 to 2. The flag is fixed on a golden (ochre) flagstaff.
- The National Flag of the Republic of Belarus shall be permanently displayed over buildings of government agencies and some state-run institutions, in offices of heads of these agencies (institutions), over schools, polling stations, during various solemn events.
- When the National Flag of the Republic of Belarus is displayed against a flag of another state, the Belarusian flag should be hoisted or mounted to the observer’s right, and the other flag to the observer’s left.
- People can hang the National Flag both inside and outside buildings during public, labor and family holidays and festive occasions, provided due respect for the National Flag of the Republic of Belarus is secured. A desk version of the National Flag of the Republic of Belarus can be displayed in the facilities used by organizations and citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

National Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus
- The National Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus is the symbol of state sovereignty of Belarus. It represents a golden contour of Belarus’ borders placed on a silver field and over the golden rays of the sun rising over the globe. On top of the field there is a five-pointed red star. The emblem is framed by the wreath of golden wheat-ears interlaced with clover flowers on the right and flax flowers on the left. The wreath is interlaced with a red-green ribbon three times on each side carrying two golden lines “The Republic of Belarus” in the middle of the foundation of the National Coat of Arms.
- The National Coat of Arms is displayed on the buildings of public agencies and a number of state-run institutions, inside the offices of their heads, as well as on the seals of these bodies, on coins, and passports of citizens of the Republic of Belarus. Unlike the National Flag, the National Coat of Arms has a more official meaning, so there is no possibility of its free use by citizens. In particular, it is prohibited to display it on business cards of non-government employees.
- When the National Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus is displayed simultaneously with the Emblem of an administrative and territorial unit or a territorial unit of the Republic of Belarus, the National Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus must be placed on the left side of the other Emblem, if you face them. When simultaneously displaying an odd number of coats of arms the National Coat of Arms of the Republic of Belarus should be placed in the center, and when displaying an even number of coats of arms (more than two) it should be placed left of the center.
National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus
- The National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus is a music and poetic composition performed on solemn occasions listed in the legislation.
- The music to it was written by Belarusian composer N. F. Sokolovsky, and the lyrics by the Belarusian poets M. N.Klimkovich and V. I.Karizna.
- Мы, беларусы – мірныя людзі,
- Сэрцам адданыя роднай зямлі,
- Шчыра сябруем, сілы гартуем
- Мы ў працавітай, вольнай сям’і.
- Слаўся, зямлі нашай светлае імя,
- Слаўся, народаў братэрскі саюз!
- Наша любімая маці-Радзіма,
- Вечна жыві і квітней, Беларусь!
- Разам з братамі мужна вякамі
- Мы баранілі родны парог,
- У бітвах за волю, бітвах за долю
- Свой здабывалі сцяг перамог!
- Слаўся, зямлі нашай светлае імя,
- Слаўся, народаў братэрскі саюз!
- Наша любімая маці-Радзіма,
- Вечна жыві і квітней, Беларусь!
- Дружба народаў – сіла народаў –
- Наш запаветны, сонечны шлях.
- Горда ж узвіся ў ясныя высі,
- Сцяг пераможны – радасці сцяг!
- Слаўся, зямлі нашай светлае імя,
- Слаўся, народаў братэрскі саюз!
- Наша любімая маці-Радзіма,
- Вечна жыві і квітней, Беларусь!
For more information about, where the National Flag can be placed, where the National Coat of Arms can be placed and the restrictions that apply, when the National Anthem is performed and can be performed, see Chapter 2, Chapter 3 и Chapter 4 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 301-3 “On the State Symbols of the Republic of Belarus” of 5 July 2004 accordingly.